Actually this strip was hanging around in my backlog before corona hit the headlines. Brexit, Trump, the Middle East, global warming – even last year there were enough reasons to draw it. But just when you thought things couldn’t be any more fucked up than they are, along comes the biggest disruption since the Second World War. I’d love to think that humanity would rise to the occasion and something better can come from the suffering – just not sure that world is led by leaders who can inspire that. The irony is that COVID-19 is about a benign a nudge as the earth can give us at the moment. Imagine it was killing new born babies and young children. Not that it hasn’t brought misery and grief – but it could have been worse. Whether we learn from this will determine how well we handle the next pandemic – and whether we will ever handle climate change. Or will short-term tribal thinking be the end of us?

Meanwhile, this is probably the crappiest strip I’ve drawn in a while – even though it took longer than usual! Maybe it was the subject matter getting to me…